
Option 1 (Recommended): Telegram Bot

This method is easier, faster. Recommended for most users.

Getting telegram bot token

token needed for uploading and downloading Telegram stickers (Note: If you don’t want to do this, you can still upload stickers manually by using this:


  1. Contact botfather on telegram:
  2. Follow instructions here to create a bot and get token:
  3. The token looks like this: 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw
  4. You need to send /start to your newly created bot

Getting telegram user_id

user_id needed for uploading Telegram stickers. Note that the user_id should be from a real account, not from the bot account. (Note: If you don’t want to do this, you can still upload stickers manually by using this:

Follow instruction from this post:


Sticker pack created by bot should end with this suffix as enforced by Telegram.

To avoid this, upload telegram stickers by using Telethon or manually using

Option 2: Telethon

This method is much slower during upload, but can avoid problem of sticker link ends with _by_xxxbot.

Create api_id and api_hash


  1. Visit
  2. Login using your phone number
  3. Go to “API development tools”
  4. Fill form
    • App title: sticker-convert
    • Short name: sticker-convert
    • URL:
    • Platform: Desktop
    • Description: sticker-convert
  5. Note down api_id and api_hash

Setting up Telethon

  1. For GUI, press “Generate” next to “Telethon authorization”. For CLI, use “–telethon-setup”.
  2. Enter “api_id” and “api_hash” when prompted
  3. Enter phone number with country code (e.g. “+447700900142”)
  4. A verification code will be sent to your Telegram account. Enter the verification code.
  5. Setup complete

Note: api_id, api_hash are saved and “telethon-x.session” file will generated in credentials directory. You need not set up Telethon next time as long as these info are present.